Saturday, June 23, 2012

Nimasa job Aptitude Test: What was your Experience?

Find below a snapshot of a cross section of candidates for the Nimasa job recruitment which held on Saturday 23, June 2012 at the Law school  venue in Lagos.

The test took place in different centers across the country

What was your experience?

In your opinion, do you think the test exercise was well coordinated and organized?

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  1. I had mine in Bomadi,Batch A § it was very well organizd. D invigilators came b4 7am § b4 8am,we were all seated 4 d test..Dis is d best fed.govt organized test 4 job l ve ever attended.

    It was so organised dat Batch B qued up while we were writing.
    Well, I lefta as soon as I finished
    I praise d organizers § d maturity of d candidiates.

    Merit shuld b used § not by who knw man cos we all need d job.To God be d Glory.

    1. Thanks. This is the only positive report he have received so far. Lagos people are giving us an entirely different situation.

  2. It was a nightmare of its worse kind. We had a stampede, i almost collapsed yesterday at d center. The organisers in d name of "Renner" were jst too incapable and no exscuse for wat happened yesterday. Its a pity i did'nt get to write d test despite the time and struggle.

    1. We sympathise with you. We hope they give you another opportunity in a more organised setting. Where was your centre? Lagos?

    2. my center was in lagos and was the worst experience of my life, lagos was the only center for the whole of southwest and crowd control was terrible.Would not ever attend any test organised by rennerandrenner cousulting firm.

    3. Anonymous
      my center was in lagos and it was very bad for so called renner recrutiment agency, no enough provision for candidates, despite all my struggle to get seat, it was unfortunate that i did not write any test. Please i suggesting if fed. govt can re - scheduled lagos centre for another day so that all our effort will not be in vain especially those that were fainted that day.

  3. My centre was in Bayelsa and we also had a terrible experience. The organizers came in around 8:30 am. Getting into the hall to write with the first batch was an issue of survival of the fittest. The number of people present outside the building even after the first batch had gone in was close to 2,000 (with many more arriving at intervals). Sadly, even though i got the sms invite to write the test, i never had the opportunity to write afterall. The stampede after the first batch had written cannot be described with words. I wonder what the way forward would be. I hope that the tests would be held again, especially in Lagos and Bayelsa and that this time text messages would be sent out inviting people to come in batches e.g 8:00 am batch, 10:00 am batch, 12:00 am batch etc.

  4. I believe the organisers of the test need to do spmething about the test most especially that of Lagos in which the crowd present completely filled the entrance and areas around the auditorium. I guess the crowd on that day would be more than 5000 people (Five thousand) and my expectation is either the invites sent out did not cover the crowd i attendance or the organisers did not plan the excercise properly, because how can a hall that cannot take more than 50 people now accommodate over 5000 people in a day considering each group is to take 1hr for their exams if we had started by 8:00 a.m. to last till about 9:00 p.m then they would at most not have been able to attend to more than 500 candidate for the test considering delay in between the time a group would go out for another group to come before settling down and distributing exam questions. I believe there was something terribly wrong in the planning and for the sake of equity, they NIMASA should quickly plan another test for candidates that have not sat for the exam based on figures that available to them by sending text to concerned candidate with proper time staggering for each batch based on seating arrangements that have been made.
